Water Harvesting Poster Series
2024 | Resource
This series of posters provides practical guidance on various water harvesting techniques that maximise water and nutrient retention in household gardens and small farms. Through innovative methods like underground water storage with organic materials, shower and orchard pits for fruit trees, and roof run-off trenches, farmers can ensure a consistent water supply, enrich the soil, and support sustainable plant growth. Each approach emphasises using organic matter to improve soil health, retain moisture, and reduce the need for frequent watering. These methods are designed to optimise water usage, enhance productivity, and create resilient, low-maintenance gardening systems suited for dry environments.
Download the posters Here
Organic Livestock Production
2024 | Resource
Namibia’s livestock sector, a major contributor to the economy, presents significant potential for organic certification, benefiting both local ecosystems and farmers. The Organic Livestock Production Factsheet Series provides insights into the principles, benefits, and market opportunities for organic livestock farming in Namibia, offering a pathway to higher-quality, environmentally friendly meat products. To support farmers and stakeholders, NOA has also launched a video series on organic livestock production, accessible on the Namibian Organic Association YouTube channel
Download the Organic Livestock Production Introductory Factsheet Here
Why Eat Namibian Organic Food
2024 | Resource
This brochure provides a concise overview of Namibia’s commitment to organic agriculture, emphasising sustainable practices that protect both the environment and public health. With insights into organic certification, benefits for local ecosystems, and economic opportunities, the Namibia Organic Association (NOA) outlines how organic farming supports resilient communities while preserving Namibia’s rich natural resources. Discover the advantages of organic practices and how they contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for all. Download brochure
Shark, Skate, and Chimaera
12 February 2024 | Resource
The Namibia Rays and Sharks Project (NaRaS) have created a poster that shows all Shark, Skate, and Ray species’ egg cases in Namibia.st risk of extinction globally.
Beautiful illustrations by Alexis Aronson
Our work is supported by the Shark Conservation Fund. Download Free Poster
Chondrichthyans of Namibia
31 Jan 2023 | Resource
We’ve created a poster that shows all of the chondrichthyan (shark, skate, and ray) species in Namibia that are classified as either Critically Endangered or Endangered, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Of the 88 shark, skate, ray, and ghost shark species that occur in Namibian waters, these 17 species are at the highest risk of extinction globally. Beautiful illustrations by Alexis Aronson.
Our work is supported by the Shark Conservation Fund. Download Free Poster
Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement: Nation Report
December 2023 | Resource
The 2023 Namibia National Report on Wildlife Protection provides a comprehensive overview of Namibia’s ongoing efforts to combat wildlife crime and strengthen conservation law enforcement. This report highlights the challenges faced, notable achievements, and key partnerships that have supported the fight against illegal wildlife trade and poaching. With insights into sector-specific trends, legislative advancements, and collaborative initiatives, the report underscores Namibia’s commitment to preserving its unique biodiversity while balancing sustainable resource use. Download report
World Rhino Day Mask Activity
1 Sept 2022 | Resource
World Rhino Day is celebrated on September 22 every year. This special day provides the opportunity for cause-related organizations such as NGOs, the government, conservancy members and members of the public to celebrate rhinos in Namibia. This year, we are including children from different schools in Namibia to join the celebrations by participating in an exciting fun-filled activity! This purpose of this activity is to instil appreciation for rhinos in Namibia and why they are important, especially for future generations. Download activity