Supporting the sustainable management of Namibia’s botanical and forest resources.

Sustainable Forestry

With a focus on “Beyond timber”, we support the sustainable management of Namibia’s botanical and forest resources and recognise the broader value of Namibia’s forests and woodlands beyond timber extraction. Namibia’s forests and woodlands are being degraded through land clearing for agriculture and frequent uncontrolled fire. With partners, the team supports the sustainable management of Namibia’s forest resources by addressing gaps on botanical diversity to support informed conservation decisions, and  improving Namibian livelihoods by promoting sustainable use of non-timber forest products (NTFPs)  enhancing community resilience to climate change, and  reducing pressure on Namibia’s forest and woodland resources.

Key Partners

Community members from Community Forests; Ministry of Environment Forestry and Tourism (MEFT). Directorate of Forestry (DoF), National Botanical Research Institute of Namibia (NBRI), Blue Sky Botanics (BSB),  World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission (OKACOM), KAZA Secretariat, Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC), National Museum of Namibia (NMN).
Omaheke region, southern Kunene region, Erongo region, Zambezi region and Kavango East and Kavango West regions. With specialised technical support across the country.
  • To improve management of botanical and forest resources with partners
  • To foster the link between people, botanical and forest resources
  • To develop livelihood alternatives using non-timber forest products (NTFPs)
  • To fill knowledge gaps on botanical resources to support effective
  • To support forest and woodland restoration initiatives
  • To support curbing illegal activities of Namibia’s botanical resources
  • 2024 Highlights
    • 142,00 hectare Zambezi State Forest Reserve was gazetted
    • 30 government officials from 3 different departments trained in forest protection, leading to more effective collaboration to combat illegal timber trade
    • 4 community forests timber inventories completed
    • 3 emerging community forests identified
    • Trained 300 devil’s claw harvesters, 297 Manketti harvesters in sustainable harvesting techniques
    • Trained 30 community members in Marula syrup production and 20 farmers in beekeeping initiatives
    • Trained 60 Directorate of Forestry (DoF) officials and Community Forest members in basic fire management

    For more information regarding the Sustainable Forestry programme. Kindly contact Frances Chase


    Main Projects

    Incorporating Succulent Plant and Animal Species Information into Conservation Planning – focus on southeastern Namibia
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    Namibia Integrated Landscape Approach for Enhancing Livelihoods and Environmental Governance to Eradicate Poverty (Nkulivere Landscape)
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    Support to implementation of the Zambezi State Forest Reserve (ZSFR) management plan, Zambezi Region, Namibia
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    African Botanical Resource and Value Addition II (ABRIVA II)
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    Supporting Sustainable Honey Production and Native Tree Restoration Scoping Initiatives in Mudumu Landscape, Zambezi Region, Namibia
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    Strengthening the Directorate of Forestry (DoF) and Management of Namibia’s Forest Resources
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    Zambezi State Forest Area Support Phase 1 and 2: Introduce Mechanisms to restore degraded areas within the Zambezi State Forest
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    Sustainable Forestry
    CBO Strengthening
    Sustainable Agriculture
    Combatting Wildlife Crime
    Marine & Coastal Conservation
    Freshwater And Inland Fisheries
    Technical Services
    Applied Scientific Research

      Support the NNF

      Thank you for your interest in supporting our mission. There are several meaningful ways you can make a difference:

      • Buy Local & Organic: Support local communities by purchasing locally-produced and organic food whenever possible.
      • Support Local Conservation Efforts: Learn about and contribute to the work of Namibian communities who are dedicated to environmental conservation.
      • Respect Community Land Rights: Show respect for the rights of communities on communal land and support joint ventures in tourism and nature-based enterprises.
      • Embrace the Complexity of Conservation: Conservation is often more complex than it seems, but by working together, we can achieve positive, lasting change.
      • Get Involved: If you have a specific interest or passion, let us know. We'll connect you with one of our amazing partners who are leading impactful initiatives.
      If you would like to support us through monetary value, feel free to reach out to us directly by sending us an email to Subject line: NNF Supporter